Badges Collection at Skylight Hotel Addis Ababa

Skylight Hotel, Bole , Addis Ababa Airport Rd,, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

PIDA Week 2024 Badge Collection will take place at the Skylight Hotel in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. All participants must personally collect their official conference badges from the main registration desk, presenting their official identification, registration confirmation, and relevant credentials. The badge collection process has been designed to accommodate different categories of participants including delegates, speakers, media personnel, technical staff, and observers. 

Session 1A: Digital Infrastructure for Africa: Powering Jobs and Growth Across the Region

Medium Conference Room and Online Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

The session discusses actionable policies to accelerate Africa’s digital infrastructure development through regional collaboration. It will focus on critical digital infrastructure to foster job creation and economic growth and address the needs of Africa’s growing population. It will also explore how digital infrastructure can support climate resilience by leveraging sustainable energy solutions with an emphasis on cross-border cooperation.

Session 1B: Accelerating preparation and financing of trans-boundary water projects: Bridging funding and capacity gaps.

Multi-Purpose Hall and Online African Union Headquarters, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

 The objective of this session is to explore effective strategies for accelerating preparation of transboundary water projects with a focus on institutional strengthening and resources mobilisation. The session examines case studies that illustrate lessons learned and best practices in project preparation, financing models, and stakeholder engagement towards improved water development.

Session 2A: Continental Power System Master Plan (CMP) Phase III Launch-Pre-Event.

Medium Conference Room and Online Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

The session will be dedicated to the preliminary launch of CMP Phase III. This event aims to introduce the next phase of the Continental Power Systems Master Plan to key stakeholders and partners. Following the launch, there will be statements from various stakeholders, including representatives from Power Pools, Development Finance Institutions (DFIs), and private companies. These statements will highlight the strategic importance of CMP Phase III and the collaborative efforts required for its successful implementation.

Health Break

Short break for refreshments

Session 3A: Leveraging Data for Artificial Intelligence and Sustainable Data Centers for Africa’s Digital Future: A Need for a Continental Green Data Centre Master Plan

Multi-Purpose Hall and Online Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

The session aims to create a heightened awareness of the critical need for adequate data centers and the development of a Continental Green Data Centre Master Plan, fostering discussions that identify key stakeholders and collaborative partnerships essential for enhancing digital infrastructure in Africa.

Session 3B: African Strategy On Decarbonization Of Maritime UIC And Shipping Industry

Medium Conference Room and Online Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

This session unveils Africa's bold vision for transforming its maritime and shipping sectors through innovative decarbonization strategies. As the continent positions itself at the forefront of sustainable maritime practices, this discussion explores concrete actions to reduce emissions while boosting trade efficiency. This session will present an African strategy on decarbonising the maritime transport and shipping industry. Africa's ports and maritime industries are a significant driver of economic growth. It is evident that the potential positive impact of the port and maritime sector on the socio-economic development of our continent, particularly for coastal and small island states, is accompanied by challenges related to the complexity of economic systems and climate vulnerability.


Break for lunch

Session 4.3. Country Impact Projects Show – Kenya: The LAPSSET Corridor Program

Small Conference 2 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

The LAPSSET Corridor Program is a flagship regional integration project aimed at enhancing connectivity and trade in Eastern Africa by connecting Kenya, Ethiopia, and South Sudan through a network of highways, railways, a deep-sea port at Lamu, and other key infrastructure with an estimated total cost of $25.5 billion.

Parallel Session 1: Connecting and Uniting Africa with a Common Domain-Celebrating 10 years of Africa’s gTLD’s

Medium Conference Room and Online Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

This plenary session, “Connecting and Uniting Africa with a Common Domain,” seeks to emphasise the strategic importance of adopting the “.Africa” domain across institutions, especially the African Union (AU), Regional Economic Communities (RECs), Regulatory bodies and other sub-regional organisations. The session will feature keynote addresses, key presentations, and interactive discussions

Parallel Session 2: Boosting sustainable investments via enhanced alignment of African infrastructure priorities and the EU-Africa Global Gateway‚

Medium Conference Room and Online Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

This session will explore Africa’s strategic shift towards regional integration as a means to overcome the limitations of small domestic markets and stimulate regional economic growth. By adopting regional approaches, African nations aim to enhance economic cooperation, improve infrastructure, and create larger, more competitive markets.

Parallel Session 3: Advancing Africa’s Infrastructure Frameworks: Towards new policy and regulatory frameworks fostering the development of smart and climate-resilient infrastructure in Africa

Small Conference 1 and Online Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

This session will explore Africa’s strategic shift towards regional integration as a means to overcome the limitations of small domestic markets and stimulate regional economic growth. By adopting regional approaches, African nations aim to enhance economic cooperation, improve infrastructure, and create larger, more competitive markets. A stable investment environment for Africa will be made possible by creating a shared framework for infrastructure financing and implementation partnerships between Africa and Europe, coming up with doable plans to improve infrastructure cooperation between Africa and Europe, and offering ideas on how to get around problems that get in the way of effective implementation.

Parallel Session 4: Leveraging U.S. and Partner Support to African Infrastructure Projects

Small Conference 2 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

This panel will present an opportunity to learn about a variety of U.S. government and partner programs to support infrastructure development and investment in Africa. Representatives from the U.S. Trade and Development Agency, the Development Finance Corporation, Power Africa, the OECD Blue Dot Network, and the U.S. Departments of State and Commerce will discuss what the United States and its partners can offer. 

Opening Ceremony of PIDA Week 2024

Nelson Mandela, African Union Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

High-ranking dignitaries, including the Prime Minister of Ethiopia, will attend the official opening ceremony for PIDA Week 2024. Keynote speeches will highlight Africa’s infrastructure needs and outline the goals of the week-long event.

 Fostering Resilient and Inclusive Infrastructure for Africa’s Sustainable Growth: Leveraging Transformative Financing and Regional Integration.

Multi-Purpose Hall and Online Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

 The high-level session focuses on highlighting the importance of resilient, climate-smart infrastructure and explores transformative financing models to close Africa’s infrastructure investment gap. The issue of regional integration will be emphasized as the critical driver for cross-border collaboration and trade facilitation.


Break for lunch

Session 6A: Connecting the drops: Water cooperation in Africa for green, resilient and inclusive development

Multi-Purpose Hall and Online African Union Headquarters, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

This session will emphasize regional collaboration and sustainable financing to drive Africa’s economic development. It will showcase how water infrastructure fosters peace, regional integration, and long-term water security while advancing sustainable development. The session also aims to accelerate PIDA-PAP 2 projects and mobilize $30 billion annually by 2030 for climate-resilient water security and sanitation.

Session 6B: Investing in sustainable productive infrastructure: The Global Gateway Africa-Europe Investment Package’s (GGAEIP) synergies with PIDA

Multi-Purpose Hall and Online Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

This session will take stock of the implementation of the GGAEIP, nearly 3 years after its launch, and its (actual and potential) contribution to PIDA. This will involve a keynote presentation on the GGAEIP for infrastructures, a panel discussion, and a Q&A session

Session 7: Celebration of the U.N. World Sustainable Transport Day: Leapfrogging to Sustainable Transport in Africa – Digital transformation and the Global Decade on Sustainable Transpor

Medium Conference Room and Online Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

The session aims to discuss with Member States and partners how adequate and rapid digitalisation of transport infrastructures and services in Africa can unlock significant benefits for trade and movements of persons across the continent and within the international market. The session will also reflect on the conditions and critical ingredients to internalise and make the U.N. General Assembly declare the Global Sustainable Transport Decade (2026-2035) a successful initiative.

Cocktail Dinner

Skylight Hotel, Bole , Addis Ababa Airport Rd,, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Welcome Remarks Hon. Dr. Alemu Sime Feyisa, Minister of Transport and Logistics, Ethiopia Cultural Performance Keynote Address H.E. Nardos Bekele-Thomas, CEO of AUDA-NEPAD Remarks H.E. Dr Amani Abou Zeid Commissioner for Infrastructure and Energy, AUC Networking

Session 8A: Managing climate change risks to critical infrastructure development and operation in Africa

Multi-Purpose Hall and Online Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

 The session will highlight climate change impacts and risks to transboundary infrastructure across the various regions in Africa and propose actionable mechanisms and financing strategies for implementing resilience measures and managing climate risk to critical infrastructure and significant trade corridors in Africa. It will finally explore the possible establishment of a community of practice for addressing the combined impacts of climate change and other exacerbating factors on infrastructure development, management and operation.

Session 8B: Renewable Energy Potentials and Investment Opportunities of Ethiopia

Medium Conference Room and Online Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

This session will present the renewable energy potentials of Ethiopia and the investment opportunities available in one of the fastest-growing economies in the region. The broader energy sector in Ethiopia will be showcased, including implemented and completed renewable energy projects. Additionally, there will be a briefing on how investment opportunities are framed and presented in Ethiopia, including Public-Private Partnership (PPP) […]

Session 9A: Accelerating Cross-Border Digital Connectivity through PIDA: Advancing ICT and Digitalization Projects

Multi-Purpose Hall and Online Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

The session will bring together policymakers, regional economic communities (RECs), the private sector, and development partners to discuss PIDA’s role in accelerating cross-border digital connectivity and share experiences on ongoing digital projects. A focus will be on the opportunities, including public-private partnerships (PPPs), funding mechanisms, and regulatory harmonisation across borders.

Session 9B: Financing Pilot Projects for the African Integrated Rail Network Initiative (AIRN)

Multi-Purpose Hall and Online Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

This event serves as a pivotal preparatory step towards the development and financing of the 13 pilot projects that constitute the initial phase of the AIRN. The AIRN aims to enhance continental connectivity, promote intra Africa trade, and stimulate sustainable socio-economic growth by linking key cities and economic hubs across all countries and regions of Africa. The session event will bring together a wide range of stakeholders, including government representatives, continental and international financiers, private sector partners, and rail infrastructure experts

Session 10B: Africa’s energy transition: a long-term forecast

Medium Conference Room and Online Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Analyse how infrastructure investments in all sectors can drive sustainable economic growth across Africa. It will also Examine the role of public-private partnerships (PPPs) in addressing Africa’s infrastructure financing gap, with insights on how PPPs can align public policy objectives with private sector profitability.


Break for lunch

Parallel Session 6: Advancing Africa’s Energy Future, AU-EU collaboration for accelerated financing

Multi-Purpose Hall and Online Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

The African Union and European Union are jointly committed to advancing energy and infrastructure goals in Africa in line with Agenda 2063, through initiatives such as the African Single Electricity Market (AfSEM), the Continental Power Systems Masterplan (CMP) and the Africa-EU Green Energy Initiative (AEGEI). The high-level panel discussion aims to highlight bicontinental advancements on energy to-date and asks how joint initiatives such as AfSEM, CMP and AEGEI can support and ensure adequate financing to meet the energy needs in Africa.

Parallel Session 7: Technical Capacity Building Workshop

Medium Conference Room and Online Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Using Satellite Imagery and Artificial Intelligence to Analyse Critical Road Links: Training Session n the Africa Regional Transport Corridor Management System  The objective of this capacity-building workshop is to train technical staff of corridor management organisations to use ARTCOMS as a tool to monitor corridor infrastructure. The meeting will also provide a platform to discuss the sustainability of ARTCOMS Organiser: […]

Session 12A: Advancing Africa’s Energy Future: Towards the Implementation of Africa Single Electricity Market (AfSEM) and Continental Power System Master Plan (CMP

Multi-Purpose Hall and Online Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

The primary objective of this session is to explore the establishment of Power Markets and Electricity Financial Markets in the five African regions as part of the AfSEM strategic objectives within the regional Power Pools. The session aims to discuss the potential benefits, challenges, and strategies for implementing these markets, with a focus on fostering sustainable energy development and financial stability in the region

Session 12B: Interoperable Digital ID:  A key enabler for integrated Africa/ Interoperable Digital ID to facilitate cross-border mobility and trade towards continental integration

Medium Conference Room and Online Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

The session will contribute to the standardised digital ID systems across Africa, identify and prioritising the use case for the application of interoperable digital ID across the continent and proposes a common standard for the interoperability of Digital ID Systems Across Africa.

Session 13A: CMP Funding Mechanisms, preliminary findings and knowledge management session

Multi-Purpose Hall and Online Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

 The rail industry is a sector that is heavily regulated all over the world. Various countries implemented a variety of regulation methods. The AIRN aims to revolutionise transport in Africa by establishing a comprehensive rail network linking various African countries. The session will provide a brief overview of non-African regulatory frameworks, list mandatory/non-mandatory rules as well as needs for Policy and Regulatory Framework of the AIRN.

Session 13B: AI in Action:  Towards an African Union AI Strategy Implementation

Medium Conference Room and Online Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

This session is designed to present African Union in action via AUDA-NEPAD in relation to the implementation of the AU AI Continental Strategy. Participants will receive insights about the different initiatives led by AUDA-NEPAD and on the continent, to implement the AU AI continental strategy. Attendees will depart with a comprehensive understanding of the opportunities brought by AI implementation in Africa, the challenges and potential solutions for AI implementation across African Countries.

Parallel Session 10: How to Foster Youth and MSME participation in Infrastructure Delivery Summary

Medium Conference Room and Online Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

 The session will discuss the challenges that youth and MSMEs face in accessing opportunities in the infrastructure development space in Africa and consider possible entry points into the infrastructure value chain. The focus will also be on the importance of actively promoting the involvement of micro-, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in accelerating the delivery of infrastructure and improving the long-term value of the

Parallel Session 11: Supporting implementation of Continental Power Systems Masterplan (CMP) transmission projects via the Independent Power Transmission (IPT) model

Multi-Purpose Hall and Online Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

The session is expected to provide clear and up-to-date information on IPT models that are applicable to Africa’s CMP, current status and developments of IPT case studies in Africa, criteria for selection of IPT projects and preliminary list of potential IPT candidate projects and next steps in the CMP-IPT study.

Parallel Session 12: Revitalising the Continental Business Network (CBN) for Accelerated Infrastructure and Industrialization Financing in Africa

Small Conference 1 and Online Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

This session will focus on revitalising CBN’s structure and processes to better support the African infrastructure agenda. Drawing from recent insights in AUDA-NEPAD’s updated Service Delivery Mechanism (SDM) and CBN’s operational plans, this session will address governance, sustainable funding, and project facilitation improvements to enhance CBN’s impact in driving investments and meeting the goals of Agenda 2063.


Break for lunch

Session 14: TICAD-9 Pre-Event: AUDA-NEPAD & JICA Joint Launch of the OSBP Status Report – Advancing Smart Corridors through Technology and Traditional Methods for Improved Monitoring and Reporting

Multi-Purpose Hall and Online Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

This session will be held to launch OSBP Status Report, jointly developed by AUDA-NEPAD and JICA followed by the statement among AU institutions, RECs, and private companies. The discussion will explore opportunities for leveraging tools developed by AUDA-NEPAD and partner organisations-oriented tools, such as Time Measurement Survey, and innovative private sector-oriented M&E tools like the Logistics Monitoring System (LMS). Additionally, emphasis will be placed on the importance of promoting these tools and fostering collaboration, focusing on leveraging both emerging technologies and traditional approaches to enhance border efficiency and effectiveness.

Closing Ceremony

Multi-Purpose Hall and Online Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Closing Remarks

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